August Thoughts in Quotes and Pictures
There are just so many reasons to love and appreciate August. During this strange time of the pandemic, we want to share positive and uplifting stories. That is why we collected these August quotes and images to remind you that life goes on, and how mysterious and beautiful this season is, the transition between Summer and Fall.
The Month Of Apples And Falling Stars
“August was nearly over - the month of apples and falling stars, the last care-free month for the school children. The days were not hot, but sunny and limpidly clear - the first sign of advancing autumn.” Victor Nekrasov
The Odd Uneven Time
“August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.” Sylvia Plath
Endless Period Of Delicious Sleep
“Less than a month ago all of August still stretched before us - long and golden and reassuring, like an endless period of delicious sleep.” Lauren Oliver
Everything Magical
“Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August.” Jenny Han
All Photos by Unsplash.Com Photographers
Photo Credits in the Order of Appearance: Mélanie THESE, Bethany Laird, Liana Mikah, Annie Spratt, NASA, Clay Banks, Viacheslav Bida, Kinga Cichewicz, Milan Popovic, Anna Claire Schellenberg